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Ministry Musings: Who’s Coming after Us?

For those of us who follow the lectionary, last Sunday we read from Mark 1 where John the Baptist proclaimed about Jesus that the one who is coming after him is greater than he. So, who’s coming after you? (I don’t mean mean church members coming after you, or protesters in front of your church calling you out because you dared to include those they would exclude. Been there, done that.)

We have to attend to the work of calling out the next generation of ministry leaders for service to and/or through the church. Here’s a piece that highlights the current challenge. It isn’t likely God has quit calling people into ministry; it’s more likely the human voices God is using to do that calling have gone quiet.

Notice, Name and Nurture. That’s a pattern for renewing this pastoral and congregational work. Look at people in your congregation—younger ones discerning their initial vocational and educational path, along with those who find themselves at nodal moments of change—and see who comes to life around spiritual things. Then ask them to consider whether God is calling them. Finally, find ways to help them explore that call through prayer, study, service and friendship.

~ George A. Mason

9 January 2024

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Good word, George. So true. Thank you.


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